General info

Welcome to Scorocode cloud service documentation.

The documentation contains:

  • a description of how to use the personal account, applications and data
  • HTTP API documentation for implementing the cloud service on any platform
  • SDK documentation: WEB server/client (JavaScript SDK), iOS/Mac OS (Swift SDK), Android (Java SDK).

Source codes

Source codes for all SDKs and documentation are openly available on GitHub. We would be very happy to receive any comments, modifications and suggestions for each repository.

To go to the relevant documentation section, select it in the menu on the left.

General info

Scorocode is a cloud platform providing BaaS (Backend as a Service) functions. With Scorocode, you can quickly create a data structure by using visual modelling for collections and fields, connect event triggers for data, develop and start server JavaScript code from client applications according to a schedule.

Key features of the service:

  • Full-scale platform for backend design, free option for small applications;
  • Availability of ready backend functions: sending emails, SMS and push notifications, file storage, server scripts, etc;
  • Providing statistics and analytics for applications 24x7;
  • Management of users and application access levels, collections and documents;
  • Documentation, platform use cases and SDKs in English;

Scorocode offers a wide range of features for connecting projects to cloud backend:

  • JavaScript SDK for web applications – both client and server parts
  • Swift SDK for developing applications on iOS and Mac OS X platforms
  • Java SDK for developing Android-based applications

Scorocode allows you to import data from the Parse cloud service.

The list of Scorocode features and supported platforms is steadily growing.


Scorocode users are:

  • Individual developers
  • Professional developers and developer teams
  • System integrators
  • Corporate clients

For individual developers, Scorocode is a technically simple, reasonably priced and documented solution for trying out their abilities in the application development area and for creating and quickly modifying the backend for applications. Scorocode provides professional developers and developer teams with the ability to support modern services (social networks, payment systems, etc.) and a transparent pricing model to calculate development and maintenance costs. For corporate users, Scorocode offers analytical tools to improve the efficiency of applications and marketing, as well as a uniform platform for simultaneous development of several projects.